Clean code (No-JavaScript); Support BECH32 (P2WPKH / P2WSH); Native SegWit Addresses

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Anonymous Bitcoin Mixer
BTC Tumbler

Anonymous Bitcoin Mixer / BTC Tumbler

Thormixer is a BTC anonymization service that protects the privacy of Bitcoin. Raises the anonymity level and prevents tracking. Make Bitcoins anonymous with Thormixer (BTC tumbler) and get clean coins from Crypto exchanges.

  1. Select mixer mode
  2. Enter address
  3. Click “Start Mix Bitcoins” Button

Mixer fee 4 to 5% Mixing time 0 - 6 Hours Deposit 0.003 - 50 BTC Source of coins Crypto Exchanges

Mixer fee 4 to 5% Mixing time 0 - 6 Hours Deposit 0.003 - 50 BTC

Fee 4 to 5% Deposit 0.003 - 50 BTC

Specify forward-to addresses (at least one):

⇡ Wrong format of BTC Address
⇡ Wrong format of BTC Address
⇡ Duplicated address

Mixer fee 4 to 5% Mixing time 0 - 6 Hours Deposit 0.005 - 50 BTC Source of coins Crypto Exchanges

Mixer fee 4 to 5% Mixing time 0 - 6 Hours Deposit 0.005 - 50 BTC

Fee 4 to 5% Deposit 0.005 - 50 BTC

Enter the amount, the destination address to transfer this amount to, and the change address for any funds left over after anonymization

⇡ Wrong format of BTC Address
⇡ Wrong format of BTC Address
⇡ Duplicated address

Bitcoin evergreenYour Bitcoins will be returned in different parts to addresses specified above.

Time of return will be 6 hours | Max fee range from 4 to 5% | A generated address is valid for 7 days +info

Our fully automated system don't store logs or any information used in transactions.
Top level anonymity with the latest anti-tracking technology.

How Thormixer Anonymous Bitcoin Mixer Work?

Bitcoin used to offer anonymity, but now transactions can be traced back to the user's identity simply by knowing their Bitcoin address. All transactions are recorded on the Bitcoin Blockchain (a public ledger). Therefore, there is a need for a service that guarantees anonymity. Our platform allows you to mix your coins in different transactions to get better protection

Thormixer allows you to confuse the trace of your coins. The mixer runs your coins through a mixing process, taking your bitcoins and randomly sending new ones from a random bitcoin address that have no connection to your old address.

No requirement of registration or personal details. Its impossible to connect your original bitcoins with the new ones. Even if the security of the service is compromised, it will not help the attacker to discover anything about your transaction because our service does not store any logs.

Thormixer Complete Anonymity Mode

Understanding Complete Anonymity mode:

How does Thormixer Bitcoin Mixer Work?

Complete Anonymity mode / Strongest protection

The “Complete anonymity” mode demonstrates the highest resistance to deanonymization attacks and safeguards your privacy.

Unlike classical bitcoin mixers, the tech of the “Complete anonymity” option is superior and, therefore, the fee here ranges from 4 to 5%, the cleansing time is up to 6 hours, and the deposit amount - from 0.003 or 0.005 (Precise payment) to 50 BTC.

Bitcoins are anonymized in a premixer, which splits them into random parts, and sent to investors at different exchanges. You receive random coins from other investors and from different stock exchanges in two receiving addresses. Thormixer uses unique algorithms to evaluate the incoming funds, check their reliability, and allow money in or out. The process ensures all digital traces linking the client and the owner disappears completely.

The address used to transfer your money is valid for up to 7 days vs 24/48 hours in other mixers. Users who utilize online platforms and crypto exchanges to send their coins, should find this feature very handy as output transactions can get delayed.

Support BECH32 Addresses P2WPKH - P2WSH


Service fee

4 to 5%

Support Base58 Addresses P2PKH - P2SH


Cleansing time

0 - 6 Hours max.

Tor Mirror / Onion - VPN Friendly


Output transactions


Resistance to taint analysis


Anonymization in premixer


Resistance to cluster analysis




Resistance to volume analysis



NO Javascript

100% clean coins


Precise payment mode


Support BECH32 Addresses P2WPKH - P2WSH


Support Base58 Addresses P2PKH - P2SH


Tor Mirror / Onion - VPN Friendly


Resistance to taint analysis


Resistance to cluster analysis


Resistance to volume analysis


100% clean coins


Service fee

4 to 5%

Cleansing time

0 - 6 Hours max.

Output transactions


Anonymization in premixer






Precise payment mode


Thormixer doesn't store logs or attribute ID to clients. Neither do we require registration or use mixer codes.
The system generates a letter of guarantee with a PGP signature. Contact our support team in case of disputes or complaints

Does complete anonymity bitcoin mixer really help protect my privacy?

The benefit of using a Bitcoin blender is it's enhanced transaction privacy and anonymity. If your privacy is compromised, then it is a good time to use a bitcoin mixer. Anyone who can connect your identity to your wallet can see all your transactions and balances. These people can be friends to whom you send funds or third parties to whom you pay for services and goods. With our bitcoin blender service, you can break all connections and regain privacy.

Our algorithm has been developed for complete Bitcoin anonymization taking the best of existing bitcoin mixers. Mixer orders do not carry a tracking order or identification, nor do we mix your assets in one or more funds. There is no need to mix codes. This whole system is random and automatic.

Never forget that cryptocurrencies are not totally anonymous. If anyone can connect a wallet address to your identity, they will know everything about your transactions. Using a BTC mixer is an active solution to keep your privacy safe.

Bitcoin Tumbler - BTC Mixer

Your anonymized coins are split into random parts,
and sent to the biggest Crypto exchanges and independent sellers

You receive clean coins from Crypto exchanges.
This money is unlinkable and resistant to all deanonymization tools

Your anonymized coins are split into random parts, and sent to the biggest Crypto exchanges and independent sellers. You receive clean coins from Crypto exchanges. This money is unlinkable and resistant to all deanonymization tools

Thormixer Guarantee

Anonymous coins from the leading-edge anonymization algorithm in the "Complete anonymity" mode.

No registration, No logs.
All data is encoded.
Tor browser.

Immediate Auto-Delete of client data.
Data on requests for mixing gets
erased in 168 hours.

Anonymous coins from Crypto
exchanges and independent sellers

Your protection against any disputes
through Letters of Guarantee.

No registration, No logs. All data is encoded. More privacy with Tor browser.

Immediate Auto-Delete of client data. Data on requests for mixing gets erased in 168 hours.

Anonymous coins from Crypto exchanges and independent sellers

Your protection against any disputes through Letters of Guarantee.

No registration, No logs. All data is encoded. More privacy with Tor browser.

Immediate Auto-Delete of client data. Data on requests for mixing gets erased in 168 hours.

Anonymous coins from Crypto exchanges and independent sellers

Your protection against any disputes through Letters of Guarantee.

No Registration / No Logs / Avalilable on Tor Onion

To increase the privacy of your assets, Thormixer not store records or logs, all the information provided by the user is automatically deleted at the end of the service or beyond the expiration of the address life for non-executed requests.

For more privacy Thormixer BTC Mixer is available on the onion network and it can be accessed through the TOR network.

Available on Deepweb TOR V3 onion url: 63tcv27jp5hkcckk3mkhftxoohywrzpq6n74txsxgmggw73ma43y3vad.onion

Use Thormixer BTC Tumbler with Tor Browser or VPN: Download Tor BrowserDownload Tor Browser Download NordVPNDownload VPN

24x7 Support

Support service available 24/7 give users continuous support and maintain the anonymity. Your privacy is our priority, no records or logs needed. Our service is subject to compliance with the guaranteed letters, you should always keep this document, if any incident occurs contact support.

The entire thormixer technical support team will be happy to answer any questions and provide the necessary assistance to your request.

Letters of Guarantee / PGP key

The system provides digitally signed "Letters of Guarantee" (a text message generated by the system) that contains the data and conditions of your agreement with us, it is a confirmation of the obligations that the system has assumed towards you and is also the resource to use as evidence to resolve technical and other problems that may arise.

Keep these letters of guarantee until the end of the mixing service, to give you additional security of being able to deal with any disputes.

Thormixer PGP fingerprint:

B8A5 CFCA F63F F2D8 384A 6B12 D3B2 8095 6F0E 7CAF

Follow the link to Download a public key to verify the letters of guarantee provided by the system.

FAQ - Bitcoin Mixer Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does the new Bitcoin Mixer algorithm work?

Thormixer uses an innovative algorithm tath is very different from classic BTC mixers. Our transfer algorithm selects independent investors and trading platforms, and breaks down your funds in a manner that completely removes a link between input and output transactions. Once the mixing is done and transaction confirmed, the data on processed transactions is deleted. For each mixing request, we issue a digitally signed letter of guarantee, which confirms our obligations to the client.

2. Is your system safe to use?

All our users are protected against accidental errors or deliberate actions by means of the guaranteed letters, which they must keep until the correct completion of the operation. The guaranteed letter is mandatory when making any claim.

3. How long does the Mixing Bitcoin process take?

The process can take up to 8 hours, when system detects the first confirmation of the incoming transaction sent by the user to the address specified in the guaranteed letter. When our system sends you your bitcoin free of doubts it can reduce the risk of tracking, for that the time ranges from 6 to 8 hours, the resulting Bitcoin will be returned to you in random portions and times.

4. To accept a transfer, how many confirmations are required?

1 confirmation is enough to accept a transfer.

5. What is the minimum amount of funds for bitcoin tumbler?

At least 0.003 BTC is required to perform a trade on Complete Anonymity mode. The minimum for Complete Anonymity + Precise Payment mode is 0.005 BTC. All transactions below the minimum limit are considered donations.

6. Does the btc mixer service have a maximum limit?

The maximum limit for a single bitcoin order is 50 BTC, due to the ease of tracking large volume transactions. The optimal amount is 5 BTC, as the system allows multiple transfers per order and the creation of multiple mixing requests. The greater the division of transfers, the higher the level of anonymity and difficulty to track.

7. I sent less money than required, what happens?

Transactions below the minimum limit (0.003 BTC for Complete Anonymity mode, or 0.005 BTC for Complete Anonymity + Precise Payment mode) are considered as donations, it does not make sense to make a transfer of such an amount, and the network fee may be higher than the amount sent. But if you have made such a transfer by mistake, you can contact support, we will review your case.

8. What is the cost of the BTC mixer service?

Our fee for the bitcoin anonymity service is 4 to 5% of the amount sent.

9. Is there some kind of record stored in your system?

No record is stored on our servers, all the information necessary to process transactions is eliminated as soon as the work is finished, or when the useful life of the generated address expires. The guaranteed letter is the only proof of our service.

10. What are letters of guarantee?

By providing you with a Bitcoin address to send your coins to for mixing, we also provide you with a digitally signed confirmation that that address has been generated by our server for one specific use only. You will always be provided with this letter signed with PGP, which can be verified using the public key.

11. How long are the application addresses valid?

Addresses are valid for 7 days after their creation. This period is sufficient to solve problems arising from the network or by the sender, such as delays or transfers stuck in mempool, thus guaranteeing the protection of our clients's assets.

12. The browser has been closed before seeing the confirmation of my transfer.

You should not worry, the bitcoin blockchain system is automatic, it is possible to monitor your transaction in a Bitcoin block explorer, and follow the status of your transaction on any BTC block explorer once our system have returned your coins to the address specified.

13. Precise payment mode

Yes, the precise payment method also includes complete anonymity. If you select the precise payment mode, you will be able to send a precise amount of Bitcoins to different wallets. In addition, this mode also includes complete anonymity.

14. Clean code (No-JS)

Thormixer works without Javascript (navigation and forms with pure CSS) You can use Thormixer in TOR browser with Javascript completely disabled.

* Complete Anonymity mode minimum transaction limit is 0.003 Bitcoins. And Precise Payment mode minimum transaction limit is 0.005 Bitcoins. Transactions below the minimum limits cannot be executed by the platform and are considered as donations.

Bitcointalk ThormixerAltcoinstalks [ANN]

Thormixer PGP fingerprint:

B8A5 CFCA F63F F2D8 384A 6B12 D3B2 8095 6F0E 7CAF

Follow the link to Download a public key to verify the letters of guarantee provided by the system.

Contact Support: 24x7 Support team.

Protect Bitcoin privacy with BTC Mixer/Tumbler - BECH32 / P2WPKH - TOR - VPN - NO LOG Protect Bitcoin privacy with BTC Mixer/Tumbler - BECH32 / P2WPKH - TOR - VPN - NO LOG

Available Deepweb TOR V3 onion url: 63tcv27jp5hkcckk3mkhftxoohywrzpq6n74txsxgmggw73ma43y3vad.onion

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